Digital MarketingStrategy Planning

Major Service

  • Agenda Setting

    A company may face many digital marketing challenges when pursuing its business goals, such as gaining customers, improving brand strength, and promoting customer satisfaction. Based on research on owned media, we analyze the issues that may arise and sort out the essential problems to be tackled. Our solutions allow for discovering digital marketing problems, and our consultants identify the true nature of things using their analytical and logical knowledge. We address the fundamental causes of digital marketing challenges. Tribeck’s advantage lies in conceptualizing tangled-up marketing issues and identifying their essence.

  • Formulating a Development Policy and Concept for Rebuilding a Website

    Based on the current issues to be addressed, we mainly use digital technologies to design optimal strategies for communication and owned media based. These strategies provide a clearer vision of the ideal website and its concept as well as comprehensible policies on how to develop and rebuild it. We visualize what owned media should be, rather than providing something unrealistic, and align it with your goal.

  • Defining Target Users and Designing Customer Journeys

    The most crucial strategic attitude is to think from the user’s perspective. After developing concepts and policies, we will create a customer journey map to envision, from the user’s point of view, the best scenario that leads us to your business goals and clarify key design points. We will uncover your target users through research and design a realistic and three-dimensional communication approach.

  • Designing Measures

    In line with determining desirable owned media and customer journeys, we will put in place measures that are necessary to fulfill the digital strategies and achieve your business goals. We will also concretize the idea of rebuilding and developing a website using our workable, effective measures, including creative ideas for solid branding, content measures, various functions and tools to improve customer satisfaction, and plans for customer acquisition or conversion enhancement. The proposed measures will come with specific implementation pictures.

We are always with you to support you in overcoming business challenges.

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