ServiceResearch Solution
Our research approach involves eliciting and understanding people’s feelings to identify the fundamental challenges to be addressed.
We provide research-based solutions by leveraging the expertise that the TRIBECK Brand Strategy Institute,
Tribeck’s third-party research organization, has cultivated over decades.
These solutions help companies visualize the effectiveness of their branding or owned media.
We also establish de facto quality standards to improve the value of intellectual properties, such as owned media.
Visualizing a website’s value
For those who want to visualize the contributions of their owned media
Identifying issues
For those who want to survey and analyze the current state of their website to prepare for redesigning them
Grading the value of customer experience
For those who want to score and enhance the customer experiences (CX) at each touchpoint
Improving usability score
For those who want to improve the usability and quality of your user interface (UI) / user experience (UX) and the satisfaction level of website users
Recognizing web loyalty and brand power
For those who want to gain a deeper understanding of the customer loyalty created through owned media
Obtaining user insights
For those who want to conduct surveys or tests to figure out users’ thoughts and needs
Our Service Values
As a think tank, we conduct objective research based on your customers’ day-to-day lives
We continuously build unique, new evaluation criteria to determine the value of brands and owned media in response to changes in internet environments, technology, and consumer awareness. We offer innovative research solutions that consider consumers’ perspectives.
We redesign your website to solve the business challenges identified through our research.
Through research and marketing consulting, we offer solutions that enhance the quality and value of your brand and owned media. We clarify the status of your website by calculating various scores based on outcomes inspired by research and then propose remedies and website redesigning strategies to improve these scores.
Major Service
Here is a diverse lineup of services to meet your needs, from individual consulting services to packaged research services.
Experience Management Consulting
We offer specialized consulting services for experience management. These include conducting research and surveys, analyzing experience management data, and preparing improvement measures.
Brand Management Consulting
Our consulting services are aimed at improving the value of your corporate brand, ensuring complete, successful branding, and managing the brand.
Website Evaluation
We provide brand strategies, website research, and consulting services to improve your website.
Our clients are from a broad range of industries. Many companies rely on and apply the outcomes of our unique research as benchmarks.
- Web EquityWebサイトの価値を生活者の視点で評価
- 顧客体験価値に関するユーザー調査デジタル・リアル融合時代のCXをユーザー視点で評価
- BtoBサイト調査BtoBサイトを購買関与者の視点で評価
- 企業情報サイト調査企業情報サイトをステークホルダーの視点で評価
- Global Site Surveyグローバルサイトを海外ユーザーの視点で評価
- サポート調査サポートの有用度を利用者が評価
- Eco Site Survey環境サイトの整備状況を調査
- 海外調査Web EquityやBtoBサイト等の海外調査
- その他の調査その他ブランド、Webサイトに関する調査
Analysis of Usability and Communication Effectiveness
It is important to consider the following questions:
- Who do you communicate with through your owned media?
- Does your owned media foster user engagement?We offer programs to evaluate the performance of your website extensively and objectively in terms of usability and communication effectiveness.
- ユーザビリティ診断徹底したユーザー視点で100点満点でスコアリング
- スマートフォンユーザービリティ診断スマートフォンサイトのユーザビリティを100点満点で評価
- ECサイト診断ECサイトのユーザビリティを100点満点でスコアリング
- コンテンツコミュニケーション力診断生活者と企業のコミュニケーションの実現度合いを評価
- アクセシビリティ診断Webサイトのシニアに対する配慮や工夫を総合的に評価
Understanding Consumer Royalties through Digital Media
Visualizing the collective strength of your owned media allows you to obtain a concrete picture of the consumer royalties cultivated through the media.
- ウェブロイヤリティスコア (WLS)オウンドメディアでのロイヤリティを可視化
Gathering User Insights
Obtaining user insights is the first, critical step to understanding consumers’ feelings and psychology. Various user research methods and surveys are available based on your needs.
- Insight Finderリモートユーザーテストにでユーザー行動プロセスを観察
Consulting Services
Our consulting services are aimed at enhancing the value of customers, assets, and internal human resources.
- ブランド戦略コンサルティングブランドのビジョン設計・実行・検証までをサポート